Can people forward the link they get and give others access without paying?
Can people forward the link they get and give others access without paying?

Written by AlexLast update 3 years ago
It depends on whether you have a basic/free Zoom account or a paid one.
- With a basic/free account, you cannot invite registrants to your scheduled Zoom meetings. As a result, when someone buys a ticket to one of your events we share with them the general meeting link so they can join it.
- That's different to how things work when you have a paid Zoom account with the webinar add-on, where we add the ticket buyer as a registered attendee of the meeting - and they get their own unique link to join.
- What does that mean for you as the meeting organizer? Well primarily it means that you should keep the meeting link secret as with that other people could join. It also means that in theory anyone who's bought a ticket could share the link they get with other people who haven't bought a ticket; for that reason, we recommend:
- If you have a paid Zoom account with webinar add-on, we suggest you schedule your events as one-off webinars that require registration. We'll then automatically add each attendee to your event and Zoom will generate a unique joining link for each attendee.
- If you have a basic/free account you use Zoom's waiting room feature and only allow in people who are on the list of ticket purchasers. You can find that list by signing in to Tixoom then clicking 'Manage...' alongside the event in question, and then scrolling down to the 'ticket sales' section.
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