Why is the first payment out to my bank account taking longer?
Why is the first payment out to my bank account taking longer?

To help you get paid quickly and securely, in the background Tixoom uses a payment processor called Stripe. We'll have helped you set up a Stripe account (or linked your existing one) when you first started issuing event tickets through Tixoom.
The first payout for every new Stripe account is made 7 days after the first successful payment is received. This initial payout timing requirement cannot be waived. Any changes made to your payout timing or payout method during this time will take effect after this initial delay. This delay allows Stripe to mitigate some of the risk inherent in providing credit services. To learn more about payout schedules, see Waiting period for first payout on Stripe.
Future payments are generally faster, up to every day for the prior day's ticket sales and donations depending on which country you're in.
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