How can I track visitors, referrals and purchases with Google Analytics?

Learn how Tixoom lets you integrate Google Analytics to track visitors, referrals and purchases of tickets to your online Zoom events.

Written by AlexLast update 10 months ago

Tixoom lets you integrate Google Analytics to track visitors, referrals and purchases of tickets to your online Zoom events.

How to install and activate Google Analytics integration

To get started, head to your Google Analytics dashboard - then choose 'Admin' from the popover left menu, select your property (or add a new one) then choose 'Data Streams' then click to filter only 'Web' - if there are none configured, then click 'Add stream' to make a new one. Click through to the relevant web data stream and at the top right you'll see a 'Measurement ID' which will look something like G-123456 - copy this to your clipboard.

Next sign in to Tixoom and head to the 'Integrate' tab of your Tixoom dashboard.

From here, simply enter your Google Analytics property's web measurement ID.

Once you've done that we will automatically load Google Analytics 4 (via gtag.js) on all of your sharable event and bundle pages.

We also trigger 'Events' within Google Analytics whenever someone buys a ticket or bundle. This helps you track conversions and sources of sales as well as sales amounts. You can learn more about seeing reports from this data on Google's Analytics 4 documentation about monetization here:

Tip: depending on how you have configured Google Analytics you may need to update your terms & privacy document to remain compliant with privacy legislation like GDPR; configure this from the 'Settings' tab in Tixoom.

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